
Your portrait

I'm a dedicated Solutions Engineer with a foundation in Health Services Management from the University of Minnesota. My journey began at Cerner, where I focused on electronic health record implementations and introduced automation within our configuration processes to increase implementation efficiency. At PageUp People, I refined SaaS HR solutions, ensuring they align with both design standards and functional needs. Now at Lumeon, I've contributed to pivotal projects helping develop two new solutions within the company's healthcare automation orchestration platform, always aiming for innovation and excellence in tech. Outside of project work, I'm proficient in SQL, Python, and web development. I believe in the power of technology to reshape industries, and I'm always open to collaboration.



Python Password Generator

This Python program generates random passwords with customizable length, including options for numbers and special characters, based on user-defined criteria.

Choropleth Map

This choropleth map utlizes the D3 JS library to display the percentage of people over 25 with a bachelors degree or higher 2010-2014 in the United States.

Python Budget App

This Python app offers budget management functionality, enabling users to track their finances and visualize spending patterns through an interactive spending chart.

Treemap Diagram

This treemap diagram utilizes the D3 JS library to display the top 100 highest grossing movies grouped by genre.

Pomodoro Timer

This pomodoro timer utilizes jQuery to manage time and maintain focus.

Heat Map

This heat map utilizes the D3 JS library to visualize monthly global land-surface temperature data.
